Here are the badges I have earned from Summer Learning Journey 2024-25 Tasks. If you click on the badge it will take you to the blog post I did to get the badge. The triple dip badges are for doing 3 of that weeks activities. I have learnt lots of new stuff on my chrome book and really enjoyed doing the activity’s. I did have to get some help from my big brother on how to do things like animations and mum helped me with the blurb for my blogs by checking it made sense and corrected the spelling.
I am really proud of myself for giving SLJ a go as I have not done a lot of chrome book work at school as I am only year 3. I have managed to complete ALL of the activities that were posted (other than a few Te Reo Maori ones that I was not able to translate – but I gave the ones I could translate with family help a go). I am even more proud because one of my posts even got shared on the out standing blog post that is put up every Saturday.
Hi Alex,
This is Zana from the SLJ team, how bittersweet seeing the end of your incredible summer learning journey!!
You have posted so many incredible blogs this summer and you are well recognised by our commenting team for your awesome and outstanding work. We are very proud of your achievements and the skills you have practiced this summer from your reading and writing skills to your problem solving and resilience skills!
Now that we can see all your badges in one post, I wonder if you had any stand out activities that you enjoyed (or didn’t enjoy)?
I look forward to seeing you on here again next year!!
– Zana
Kia ora Alex,
Thanks for sharing your badge board, an awesome effort to earn the Triple Dip Badge for every week of the Summer Learning Journey, Ka mau te wehi! We are excited to see you enjoyed the activities and also learnt more about how to use your Chromebook in creative ways.
I am sure this will be helpful for you back at school too, so you can continue to share on your blog.
Let us know if you have any favourite activities. This will be helpful when we are planning for next year’s Summer Learning Journey.
Kia pai tō rā whakatā, Have a great weekend!
Mrs Grant